Saturday, May 29, 2010

Books gone Movies: Dear John

Read the review of the book here!

I thought it would be interesting to be speak about the books that got turned into movies, and compare the adaptions to the originals. Yesterday I just saw Dear John, and so the opportunity came up. Consider it as a sort of movie review. :)

Well, I was very ecstatic on seeing this movie. I mean, who can resist live action drama? I sure can't.

I think that the movie was worst than the book, haha. But that isn't very surprising; most movies cannot cover the entire length of the story, and thus many details are left out. There were some strange changes in this adaption: Tim was way older, and was actually Alan's father, which confused me at first. It's not that much of a big change, also works along with the plot, but it's really strange to see Savannah married to a man way older than her. They didn't fit together as well as they did in the book.

John was beautiful and manly and so gorgeous when he cried. I really did drop a few tears when he received that final letter from Savannah. I think the actors played their roles very well and all. The soundtrack was beautiful. It's worth downloading it all.

In the end, I think it's way more fun to read a book and then see its adaption. You understand way more and can relate to all the scenes than when you're discovering the plot for the first time on the big screen. I recommend to see Dear John to all the book fans, and I'll go grab another Spark signed novel mean while.


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